What is the significance of the Native North American headdress?

A traditional headpiece of great cultural and spiritual importance

Stars Insider

24/04/24 | StarsInsider


The full-feathered headdress worn by North American Natives is one of the most recognized of all indigenous peoples' regalia. A highly symbolic headpiece, it was only afforded to those who had earned the right and honor through formal recognition by their people. The feathered headdress, however, was just one of several types of headgear traditionally worn by numerous tribal nations. And the headpiece chosen and the way it was worn depended on the individual tribes' customs and beliefs. An item of great spiritual and political importance, the headdress is as sacred today as it's always been. But what are the most common types, and what tribes are they associated with?

Click through and find out the significance of the Native North American headdress.

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