Toxic butterflies, blob-headed fish, and other new wildlife discovered in Peru's Amazon

An amphibious mouse is also among the fantastic finds

Stars Insider

10/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Natural world

The animal kingdom never ceases to amaze us with its beauty and diversity. It can often surprise us, too. But how about a mouse that swims, or a blob-headed fish? Seriously, these are just two of an incredible 27 species new to science discovered in Peru's Amazon region during a groundbreaking survey conducted by scientists from Conservation International. Their findings highlight the astonishing biodiversity thriving in Peruvian Amazonia. But the results also warn of the need for greater understanding of the importance of protecting the environment in this pristine pocket of Peru. Interested to learn more?

Click through the following gallery and find out what other weird and wonderful creatures were chanced upon by investigators.

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