The hidden realities of being a child star

The dark realities of growing up in the entertainment industry

Stars Insider

23/01/25 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Child stars

As social media brings us all closer to celebrities than ever before, many stars are choosing to keep their children out of the spotlight. Given what we're learning about the effects of growing up in the public eye, it certainly seems like the safest choice. Many of the child stars who came up through the likes of the Disney Channel and 'The Mickey Mouse Club' are now fully-fledged adults who are looking back at their experiences and sharing the dark truths about exploitation and abuse. Even those who weren't directly harmed by the adults around them still have their fair share of trauma to work through.

Child labor is prohibited around the world for good reason, but the entertainment industry has always been a controversial exception. Click through this gallery to read about what it's really like to be a child star.

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