These politicians were victims of assassination attempts

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico in critical condition after being shot multiple times

Stars Insider

15/05/24 | StarsInsider


Politics is a dangerous game, sometimes in a very literal sense. Pretty much any president will likely be the subject of multiple assassination attempts. However, some attackers come much closer to achieving their goals than others.

Slovakia's Prime Minster Robert Frico has sustained life-threatening injuries from an attempted assassination that took place on Wednesday, May 15. Frico was leaving a government meeting in the town of Handlova and stopped outside the building to address a crowd. While he was speaking, it was reported that several gunshots rang out and Frico dropped to the ground. The shooter was immediately restrained by onlookers and law enforcement officers, while Frico was quickly carried to a waiting car and rushed to hospital. Frico was then transferred to a major trauma center in Banska Bystrica by helicopter. The 59-year-old is said to be in critical condition, and the "next few hours will be decisive" according to the PM's official Facebook page. 

Frico is a controversial figure in Slovakian politics. He has made his loyalty to Putin and Russia clear since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, blaming the war on "Ukrainian Nazis and fascists.” He previously served as prime minister from 2006 to 2010, and 2012 to 2018. In 2018, he was forced to resign amid investigations into the murder of a journalist named Ján Kuciak who was reporting on corruption linked to Frico's government, as well as the murder of Kuciak's fiancée. He ran for PM again in 2023, campaigning to cease military aid to Ukraine, and was re-elected. 

Click through this gallery to discover a long list of other political figures who survived assassination attempts. 

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